Happy. Healthy. Productive. AUTISTIC.
Helping teens and adults on the spectrum
reach relationship, health & career goals
If you care about someone
on the spectrum . . .
but are worried about how they are going to make it in life, then you have come to the right place. I'm the mother of a grown child on the spectrum and have helped autistic folks reach their goals for 30 years. People who know me well say the reason I "get it" is because I'm an aspie. I live and breathe autism and one thing I know for certain is that the right understanding and support from you can make the world of difference for your son or daughter.
All too often I've encountered individuals on the spectrum who have shut down or just don't live up to their full potential so I've made it my mission to help you create a meaningful connection and the right environment for your son or daughter to flourish. . .
The steps you take today can help your son or daughter live a safe, healthy, happy and productive life now and long after you are gone. But this requires examining many of your preconceived notions about autism and ignoring most expert advice about how to “fix” it. Instead, pay attention to and learn to read the hidden messages your child has been sending you through their behavior every time they flip a light switch, listen to that song 379 times or get lost in their favorite video game for 9 hours straight without eating or taking a bathroom break.
When you understand your son or daughter's motivations, how they feel and what they really long for & need you will be able to create a profound connection and foster their independence. If you want to learn more send me an email or schedule and online consultation. I love hearing from people!